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Foundation ASP for Dreamweaver 8

by Omar Elbaga and Rob Turnbull

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Book Description
Do you want to learn about Microsoft's ASP and use it via Dreamweaver 8 to add the power of a database to your website? Use dynamic web forms to exchange data between you and your users? Build complete web applications? This book shows you how to do all that and more. Dreamweaver 8 takes a lot of the hard work out of performing tasks such as integrating a database into your website, but it can't do everything. That's why this book not only shows you how to use all of Dreamweaver's functions, but also shows you how the underlying code functions, so you can then work around Dreamweaver's shortcomings. There's no attempt to turn you into a code guru, but you'll come away with sufficient knowledge of basic ASP to have the confidence to dive into the Dreamweaver code and tweak it to your own requirements. The emphasis is exclusively on ASP, so you don't waste any time on information that's not relevant to what you want to do. Omar and Rob first take you through the latest version of Dreamweaver, and how ASP fits into it, then look in-depth at setting up your work environment -- installing ASP, Access (and SQL Server), and the IIS web server, making sure they are all working together, and setting up a new web site via Dreamweaver. They then get to work, using several tutorials and real world examples, covering topics such as ASP Essentials (knowing what ASP code looks like,) working with forms, designing and implementing effective databases using Access and SQL Server, debugging and troubleshooting, and creating dynamic navigation, login, and search functionality. In this book, you'll learn:
  • How to install and configure a testing environment using ASP, IIS, Dreamweaver 8, and SQL Server or Access
  • The fundamentals of the ASP language and good database design
  • How to use all the Dreamweaver 8 ASP server behaviors
  • The ins and outs of exchanging data between your users and your database using dynamic web forms
  • How to build complete ASP web applications, including a photo gallery and a blog
Summary of Contents:
  • Chapter 1: Dreamweaver and Dynamic Sites
  • Chapter 2: The Dreamweaver Environment
  • Chapter 3: A First Taste of ASP
  • Chapter 4: Databases
  • Chapter 5: Working with Forms
  • Chapter 6: Building a Random Quote Generator
  • Chapter 7: Completing the Quotes Administration System
  • Chapter 8: Restricting Access
  • Chapter 9: Creating a Blog
  • Chapter 10: Image Gallery

About the Author
Omar has been passionately involved in web development for over 6 years, completing several projects for small businesses and non-profit organizations, including personal sites. He has previously co-authored 2 books on Dreamweaver MX web development and maintains his own Dreamweaver MX tutorial/resource site now known as dmxfire.com. Because he did not start out as a programmer himself, he has a knack for teaching dynamic web development to those who do not have programming backgrounds.
He is also a language arts teacher (certified in New Jersey), artist, and independent filmmaker. He is currently a graduate student at New Jersey City University completing his masters as a reading specialist. You can find some of his work in this area and more information at omarelbaga.com.
Rob Turnbull is the senior developer for Lighthouse, an established new media
design and marketing company based in Shrewsbury, England. Clients across
Europe, from small businesses to blue-chip companies, provide an increasing
workload, which includes the development of SQL Server database-driven websites, multimedia presentations, interactive CD-ROMs, promotional videos and
DVDs, and 3D artwork in both animated and still form. Rob's personal website, http://www.robgt.com, is primarily focused on offering help and guidance to fellow Dreamweaver users, including tutorials and links to helpful resources and some useful extensions.



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