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Brigham Young And His Mormon Empire

by Frank J. Cannon And George L. Knapp

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Text extracted from opening pages of book: Brigham Ycmhg And His Mormon Empire FRANK J. CANNON AND GEORGE L. KNAPP ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO Fleming H. Revell Company LONDON AND EDINBURGH Copyright, 19x3, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 125 N. Wabash Ave, Toronto: 25 Richmond St., W, London: 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh; 100 Princes Street CONTENTS INTRODUCTION : The Man Who Went from a Puritan Farm to Found a Mohammedan Empire in the Desert . 9 L Birth and Ancestry of Brigham A Sultan's Small Beginnings 13 II. Mormonism Finds Its Field in the Spiritual Chaos of the Mississippi Valley 18 III. Joseph and Brigham Prophet vs. Business Manager 28 IV. Growth of Brigham's Influence Climbing the Tower of Faith 33 V. The Original Garden of Eden is Found in Missouri And Abandoned 39 VL Prophecy and Finance Fail to Mix Conflicts with Gentiles 44 VII, Nauvoo the Beautiful - Brigham's British Mission . 54 VIIL Polygamy Made Known for the Glory of the Prophets # 3 IX, Growth of Church and Clash with Civil Power . . 75 X, Joseph Smith Seeks the Presidency of the United States, and Finds a Death at the Hands of a Mob 84 XL Brigham Takes Command as the New Priest-King , 96 XII, The Persecuted Saints Start on Their Last Exile . 103 XIII Brigham Issues the One Revelation of His Career 115 XIV. Across the Great American Desert to the Inland Sea 127 XV. Zon is Founded by Salt Lake Because the Saints Can Go No Farther ....... * 4^ XVI. Signs and Miracles Attend the Colony of the Saints 152 XVII. The Church Political Begins Building Its-Empire . 159 6 CONTENTS XVIII. The Gentile Rush for Gold Brings Riches to the Faithful 167 XIX. The Way of a Sultan Brigharnized Industry * 179 XX. Brigham as a Patron of Art 189 XXL The Church Dukes 197 . XXII. The Church Organizes the State of Descret . 212 XXIII. Public Proclamation of Polygamy .... 224 XXIV. Analysis of the Plural Wife System ... 237 XXV. Troubles of the SaintsThe King Can Admit No Wrong 248 XXVI Shedding of Blood as a Means of Salvation . 261 XXVII. Massacre of Emigrants at Mountain Meadows . 273 XXVIII. Clash with Federal Government-The Mormon War 284 XXIX. Disgraceful Ending of the Mormon War . . 295 XXX. The Church Keeps Its Power A Profit-Seeking Prophet 309 XXXI. Spoiling the Gentiles Utah During the Civil War 319 XXXII. Building Trusts and Crushing Heresies , . 338 XXXIII. The First Crusade Against the Saints Defeated . 355 XXXIV. Brigham's Closing Years Lion of the Lord to the Last His Death . 374 XXXV. And Afterwards The Polygamous Despotism Founded by Brigham Young Still Survives , 386 INDEX 393 ILLUSTRATIONS Brigham Young in 1877 . . . Frontispiece FACING PAGE His Earliest Known Photograph .... 36 Mormon Temples Built by Young . . . 104 The Imperial Offices and Residences in Salt Lake City 148 Assembly Hall, Tabernacle and Temple . . 180 Interior of Great Tabernacle, Where Brigham Scolded the Saints 198 Brigham Young About 1865 , . . . 222 A Mormon Family ...... 242 Brigham Young and Some of His Wives . . 272 Brigham Young in 1870 322 Modern Capital of the Empire . . . . 342 Main Street, Salt Lake City .... 344 Ann Eliza, the Nineteenth Wife . . . . 368 His Grave 37$ His Monument ,,.*,., 386 INTRODUCTION IN the middle decades of the nineteenth century, there arose in America a man destined to a career more strange and incredible than most romancers have dared to imagine for their heroes. That man was Brigham Young, Born on a soil saturated with New England Puri tanism, he became a follower and then a leader of the Mohammedanism of the West. Born in a community which held that Heaven had withdrawn from man, and which admitted no revelation less than eighteen centuries old, he was accepted by half a million people as the mouthpiece and representative of God. Born of a race in which monogamy has been the accustomed form of marriage since before the dawn of history, he is famous to-day as having been husband of a score of wives, and sire of h



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