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Blue Horizon: United States-japan-prc Tripartite Relations

by Susan C. Maybaumwisniewski And Mary A. Sommerville

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From the Publisher
"The political, military, and economic architecture of the Asian-Pacific region is in transition, with no final outcome in sight. The only given is that the system 20 years from now is as unlikely to resemble today’s architecture as today’s resembles that of 20 years ago. It is probable, however, that the future system will be profoundly affected by the actions of the major powers, especially the various permutations of relations between and among the United States, Japan, and China.

"The goal of this book is to better understand how these three nations might influence the future in the Asian-Pacific region. Many of the Asian-Pacific nations are exhibiting exponential economic growth. How can this be leveraged to develop long-term stability? How does the rest of the world fit in and influence the Asian-Pacific region? Faced by potentially explosive issues, how can the "big three" countries work together with the rest of the Asian-Pacific countries to bring about peaceful resolution? How should we embrace China’s emergence as a potential superpower to ensure long-term stability? Divided into three sections - security in the Asia-Pacific region, strategies for achieving long-term security through stability, and the importance of the economy - the book highlights the importance of this emerging triangle as a pivotal factor influencing future stability.

"The potential of the Asian-Pacific region is unparalleled with any other region of the world. For the region to fulfill such promise, the phenomenal change that is sure to come must be managed to ensure long-term stability. How the major powers in this volatile region - the United States, Japan, and China - view themselves and each other, engage issues, resolve disagreements, and establish acceptable mechanisms for long-term growth will largely determine the future of the Asian-Pacific region."

Ervin J. Rokke Lieutenant General, United States Air Force President, National Defense University



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