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Mysql Tutorial (2004)

by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson

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A concise introduction to the fundamentals of working with MySQL.

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that is rapidly growing in popularity. Known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use, MySQL has proven itself to be particularly well suited both for beginners and for experienced developers to create sophisticated database-backed Web sites and applications.

MySQL Tutorial is a clear, concise introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques of working with MySQL. It teaches the beginning MySQL user how to create and administer powerful databases that can be used at home, at work, and on the Web.

Whether you are a novice to databases or a technical professional looking to find out more about how MySQL works, MySQL Tutorial efficiently guides you through the information you need in order to get started with MySQL and quickly become proficient.

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The MySQL Tutorial consists of a series of short, very concise chapters, each on a tightly targeted topic, with a task-oriented focus.Each chapter is written so it can be read in a single sitting and be easily digested. The main focus is on five key areas: installation and configuration, using MySQL, administering MySQL, optimizing MySQL, and MySQL's associated APIs.With 4 million installations and 27,000 downloads per day, MySQL continues to grow as one of the most widely used databases in the world. Now an enterprise-level database, MySQL features full support for transactions, integrating improvements that enhance MySQL's architectural foundation for building heavy-load commercial applications.



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