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The Adventures Of Reddy Foxby Thornton Burgess Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Book Description Granny Fox said, "Now, Reddy Fox, you run across the bridge and watch from the top of the little hill over there. Perhaps I can show you a trick that will teach you why I have made you learn to run across the bridge." Reddy trotted across the long bridge and up to the top of the hill, as Granny had told him to. Pretty soon Reddy heard another sound. It was a long, low rumble. Then there was a distant whistle. It was a train. Suddenly Granny Fox started across the bridge so fast that she looked like a little red streak. Bowser the Hound dog was close at her heels when she started and he was so eager to catch her that he didn't see either the bridge or the train. Oh, my, no! When she had reached the other side, he wasn't halfway across, and right behind him, whistling for him to get out of the way, was the train. The hound gave one frightened yelp, and then he leaped down, down into the swift water below. "Now you know why I wanted you to learn to cross a bridge; it's a very nice way of getting rid of dogs," said Granny Fox, as she climbed up beside Reddy.
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