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Microsoft Office 2000 Visual Basic For Application Fundamentals

by David Boctor and Microsoft Corporation

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Book Description
Microsoft Visual Basic programming in Office provides an environment and language for you to build custom programs that extend Office's capabilities and integrate Office with other software applications and business processes. To help you develop custom programs with Office, this book provides information for the following types of developers: The beginning developer familiar with Office but not with Visual Basic programming; the experienced Visual Basic developer who wants to understand the services and objects provided by Office; and the experienced Office developer who needs a reference to the new programming functionality provided by Office 2000, including the new COM add-in and event support.

Among other things, this book describes how to do the following in any Office 2000 Professional application through Visual Basic programming: insert and manipulate content such as text, tables, shapes, and cells; retrieve and set the window selection; create and manipulate documents; start one application from another; manipulate menus and toolbars; set up event procedures; and develop COM add-ins so that you can redistribute solutions to your customers.

Book Info
A teach-yourself guide to using the VBA capabilities in each of the Microsoft Office 2000 applications. Softcover. CD-ROM included. DLC: Microsoft Office.

Excerpted from Microsoft Office 2000 : Visual Basic for Applications Fundamentals (Step by Step) by David S. Boctor. Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved
From Chapter 1: Because developers often write and segment programming code based on specific tasks, code samples and descriptions in this book are organized by task rather than by application. Throughout this book, you'll find side-by-side comparisons of tasks such as saving a document or determining the current selection, so that you'll learn how to write code to accomplish the same task in more than one Office application.



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