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Quicken 98 6-in-1by Stephen O`brien Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Amazon.com A few years ago, when the annual version of Quicken arrived with a chunky manual detailing the ins and outs of the program, this book may not have received a favorable recommendation (assuming the year designation was correct). However, over the years, Quicken's paper documentation has become remarkably thin while the program has expanded to include many different modules: beefier reporting, significantly enhanced investment utilities, Internet features, online banking, and tax software interoperability. You might consider this book to enhance your Quicken skills and help you determine the best way to use the program for supporting your financial record-keeping or small business accounting. Quicken 98 6-in-1 will also teach you how to use the online features to your advantage and to make sure you're getting the most out of the program. This fine, user-friendly guide elaborates on Quicken's basic techniques and terminology and also features tips on becoming a power user. Quicken 98 6-in-1 does lack detail on some of the theory behind the program. For example, the Debt Reduction section does little more than show how to work this part of the software. Still, the book fills the void left by the program's own lack of documentation. It offers useful sections on small business accounting and is a complete reference for most of the tasks involved with using Quicken.
- Quicken markets are expanding and new markets need easy to follow documentation of the software - Coverage of easy on-line software updates and Web-related functions Related Free eBooks | Related Tags |
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