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The Wandering Jew — Completeby Eugene Sue Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Book Description 1844. Volume I of III. Sue, who was trained as both a physician and seaman, achieved his greatest fame as a writer of novels and worldwide renown with the publication of The Wandering Jew. He went into exile when Napoleon III came into power. The Wandering Jew was first serialized in the French magazine, Le Constitutionel, in 169 installments. The themes of the novel made it a socialist icon in its time. This sweeping historical fiction is about the Rennepont family. During the French persecution of the Protestants they lost their position and most of their wealth. What remained was entrusted to a Jewish Banker and his heirs for 150 years. Through their wise investments the small inheritance grew into a fortune. In 1832 the surviving members of the Rennepont family were called to an address in Paris. Those present would divide the fortune among them. There were seven members remaining. They are Jacques Rennepont, a Parisian workman who favors drinking and the wild life; Francis Hardy, an enlightened industrialist who has built communal living quarters for his happy workers; Rose and Blanche Simon, twin teens who travel with an old soldier from Siberia where their mother has just died in Paris; Adrienne de Cardoville, a beautiful and independent-minded woman of means; Abbe Gabriel, an orphan who has been raised by the Jesuits, and Djalma, an Indian prince. Now, enter two Jesuits and their female accomplice who have devised a plan to keep the family from their inheritance and to claim it for The Society of Jesus. The rest of the book describes the struggle between the family and the Jesuits. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing. Volume 2 ISBN 00766197379, Volume 3 ISBN 0766197387. Related Free eBooks
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