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German versus hunby Carl Brinitzer And Berthe Grossbard Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Book Description GERMANversusHUNCarl Brinitzer and Berthe GtossbardTranslated byBernard MiallWith a Foreword by theRt. Hxm. Duff CooperCHAPTER PAGEXXII The Nation of Thinkers 193XXIII German Scholars 199XXIV National Qualities 205XXV Germans and Englishmen 209XXVI German and French 219XXVII Germans and the Jews 228XXVIII At Home and Abroad 230XXIX Patriam Fugimus 237XXX Hitlers before Hitler 246XXXI The Third Reich 251XXXII Wither? 259Index of Names 265ForewordThis is a most valuable book, I hope that it willhave a wide circulation..It is most important that all those who arefighting against Germany at present should form acorrect estimate against what it is they are fighting.Here is the truth about Germany and the Germans written not by any foreigners or enemies butby Germans themselves, Out of their own mouthslet them be judged.DUFF COOPERMINISTRY OF INFORMATIONth July, 1940IntroductionThe Germans have played their part in European history fortwo thousand years. For two thousand years the Germanleopard has not changed his spots.The Nazi system of today is only a new form of an olddisease. For as long as there have been Germans there havebeen Nazis.All through the centuries Germans have dreamed Hitlersdreams. The foreigner was well aware that the Germanswere a nation of dreamers, but his interpretation of theirdreams was a false one. Those who follow dreamshethoughtsnatch at the wind. But it was not the wind atwhich the Germans snatched it was not at shadows that theygrasped. They snatched at mastery they reached out for theterritory of their neighbours and while the Germans proceeded to realize their dreams, other peoples slept the sleepof the just, until the words of the Psalmist were fulfilled:Many are the afflictions of the righteous.Like a stormcloud the Cimbri and Teutones burst uponGaul and Italy: a doud of three hundred thousand warriors,No one knew whence they came. Strong Roman forces weresubmerged. The feeble opposition encouraged the invadersto march upon Rome. In all the countries through whichthey had passed they had been victorious, and they hadeverywhere loaded themselves with booty. ThereuponsoTacitus recordsthey resolved that they would call no haltuntil they had destroyed Rome and devastated Italy.The Cimbri pushed forward to the north of the Alps theTeutones marched along the coast, through Liguria. At lastthey appeared before the Roman encampment. They roaredand bellowed in a strange, unintelligible tongue, and theirmultitudes filled the plain. But Marius, in command of theRoman legions, let the savages rage and shriek in front ofhis camp. In small detachments he set his men upon therampart, whence they could observe the enemy. So he accustomed them to the sight of these hostile figures, with theirstrangely savage and alien voices, their unfamiliar weapons,their unexpected movements. Related Free eBooks | Related Tags |
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