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Lo, Michael!

by Grace Livingston Hill

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Grace Livingston Hill's love for humankind shines through her character's journey to manhood. Mickey, a young newsboy, saves the life of heiress Starr Endicott by taking a gunman's bullet himself. To show his gratitude, Starr's father sends the boy off to school where he studies law. Then he returns to the inner city to help his friends. Through the years he has held Starr in his heart but refuses to intrude on her life. Suddenly he learns she's in danger-a danger she has unwittingly chosen. Can he save her again? Should he?

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He sat on the platform looking down on the kindly, uncritical audience that had assembled for the exercises, and saw not a single face that had come for his sake alone. Many were there who were interested in him because they had known him through the years, and because he bore the reputation of being the honor man of his class and the finest athlete in school. But that was not like having some one of his very own who cared whether he did well or not. He found himself wishing that even Buck might have been there; Buck, the nearest to a brother he had ever had. Would Buck have cared that he had won highest rank? Yes, he felt that Buck would have been proud of him.

About the Author
Grace Livingston Hill was born on April 16, 1865 to a Presbyterian Minister, Charles and a published author, Marcia, in Wellsville, New York. For her twelfth birthday, Hills Aunt Pansy had one of her stories published in a book of short stories. This was the beginning of Hills career as a writer. In 1886, Hill and her family moved to Winter Park, Florida, where she got a job teaching gymnastics at a local college. She wrote her first real book there, in an effort to raise money for a family vacation to Chautauqua Lake. The book was called Chatauqua Idyl and was published in 1887 by D. Lothrop and Company, the same publisher that printed her first story when she was twelve. Hill was eventually married and began a family, but lost her husband to appendicitis. At this point in her life, her writing was the only means she had to keep food on the table and money in her pockets. In her lifetime, Hill wrote over a hundred books, only two of which were non-fiction. Grace Livingston Hill died in 1947 at the age of 82.



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