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Beginning PHP Apache MySQL Web Developmentby Michael K. Glass, Yann Le Scouarnec, Elizabeth Naramore, and Gary Mailer Download Book If you are the author or the publisher, and would like to link to your site here, please contact us. About Book Book Description What is this book about? PHP, Apache, and MySQL are the three key open source technologies that form the basis for most active Web servers. This book takes you step-by-step through understanding each — using it and combining it with the other two on both Linux and Windows servers. This book guides you through creating your own sites using the open source AMP model. You discover how to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL. Then you create PHP Web pages, including database management and security. Finally, you discover how to integrate your work with e-commerce and other technologies. By building different types of Web sites, you progress from setting up simple database tables to tapping the full potential of PHP, Apache, and MySQL. When you’re finished, you will be able to create well-designed, dynamic Web sites using open source tools. What does this book cover? Here's what you will learn from this book:
Who is this book for? This book is for beginners who are new to PHP and who need to learn quickly how to create Web sites using open source tools. Some basic HTML knowledge is helpful but not essential.
This book will guide you through creating your own sites using the open source AMP model. Youll learn to install PHP, Apache, and MySQL. Then youll create PHP Web pages, including database management and security. Finally, youll discover how to integrate your work with e-commerce and other technologies. By building different types of Web sites, you will progress from setting up simple database tables to tapping the full potential of PHP, Apache, and MySQL. When youre finished, you will be able to create well-designed, dynamic Web sites using open source tools. What you will learn from this book
Who this book is for This book is for beginners who are new to PHP and who need to learn quickly how to create Web sites using open source tools. Some basic HTML knowledge is helpful but not essential. Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learning programming languages and technologies easier than you think, providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you through all the techniques involved.
Yann “Bunkermaster” Le Scouarnec is the senior developer for Jolt Online Gaming, a British gaming company. He is a moderator at PHPBuilder.com and a developer of open source PHP software for the gaming community. He has also worked for major software corporations as a software quality expert. Elizabeth Naramore has been programming with computers since a very young age, and, yes, she remembers when software was packaged on cassette tapes. Graduating from Miami University at age 20 with a degree in Organizational Behavior, she found a world of opportunity awaiting her—in corporate marketing. Her first love was always computers, however, and she found herself sucked back to the programming world in 1997 through Web site design and development (once a computer geek, always a computer geek). While she plans to return to Miami to get her Masters in Computer Science, she currently stays busy running several Web sites. Her main focus is in e-commerce and running www.giftsforengineers.com. Gary “trooper” Mailer. After graduation from university in 1998, Gary worked in a major software house in central London as a quality assurance engineer, and also as the departmental Web developer (using ASP). This gave him a taste of Web development. After a few years, he made the jump into full-time Web development and has not looked back since. Jeremy “stolzboy” Stolz is a Web developer at Cloverfish Inc. (www.cloverfish.net), a Web development company in Fargo, North Dakota. Jeremy is primarily a PHP/MySQL developer, but he has also worked with many other languages. When not working, he frequents the Internet and tries to keep up his programming skills. He is a contributor to and moderator at PHPBuilder.com. He also frequents many other computer-related Web sites to keep his skills sharp and up to date. Jason “goldbug” Gerner currently spends his days working as a Web developer in Cincinnati and burns free time complaining about lack of support for Web standards and abusing XML. He can often be found lurking in the PHPBuilder.com discussion forums, waiting to chime in with nagging comments about CSS or code efficiency. Related Free eBooks
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