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Hindu Lawby Sir Ernest John Trevelyan Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Book Description Text extracted from opening pages of book: HINDU LAW: WITH REFERENCE TO SUCH PORTIONS OF IT AS CONCERN THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE IN THE KING'S COURTS IN INDIA, BY 3492 Laic Chief Justice of Madras. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY . J. 33. IS/ I^ V^ DSTDE, Of flic fnn& r Temple, AND A Digest of Beported cases on points of Hindu Law and Notes indicating changes made l> y Statute Law. JFIinrW EIITIOX. OR ( rivitftfas-,) . sills loglbtia ot judieiis HSO3 ? avrovG^ u rcviroHcnnt. Oic. Kip. ad Attic, c. TI, ep. 2.1 . jHi liinx ( t/ ho kinpj) estal^ lisli the laws of tho conquered nation, as docUired i their books. MENIJ, ch. vu s v. 200, t a ; HI({ lNBOT! r AJf AND CO, TO THE KING. SIRE, FILLING successively at Madras, by the selection of your Majesty's revered Parent, our late respected Sovereign, the appointments of Recorder, and Chief Justice, the attention of the author of the following p& ges was, from an early period, called to the law of the Hindus ; the elements of which, as referable to the King's Courts in India, are now, with all respect, presented to your Majesty; of all law, operating within your widely extended empire, the constitutional Depo sitary, and Guardian. Accept, then, Sire, the author's dulious thanks, for your gracious permission, thus to lay at your Boyalfeet, this latest result of his professional labours ; regarding, as they do, an important portion of your distant subjects. Your Majesty's known goodness of heart, combined with characteristic judgment, will incline you to take a particular concern in the laws of a people, remarkable for having, in all time, looked with a kind of innate reverence to the office, and person, of a King. To a feeling at once so considerate, and so benign, the appeal will not have been made in vain, on behalf of millions upon millions, spread over vast provinces of the East ; by nature a gentle, and historically an interesting race, gratefully acknowledging your mild rule ; and, in return for attachment, supplicating only, together with protection, the preservation to them of their Institutions, ( however supcrstitiously deduced,) subject to as little change, as may bo consistent with its stability. JJJKJD1UATION. Compiled partly with this view, which nothing is likely so essentially to promote, as the Patronage here solicited, the Work alluded to ( the fruit of that leisure which, after above twenty years' service in judicature, the author owes to the Royal Bounty) is now, with all deference, inscribed to your Majesty, by SIRE, Your Majesty's Faithful and devoted Subject and Servant, THOMAS ANDREW STRANGE, BATH, January 1, 1830. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. THIS Edition Is a re-print/, word for word and page for page, of that which preceded it, with foot-notes indicating the portions of the text which have been rendered obsolete by Statutory law, or which have, inany wise, been affectedby the Decisions of the Courts since the work was last revised by its learned author, A Digest has also been appended of the more import ant reported cases decided by the late Sadder Udalut at Madras and the High Court which superseded it, with extracts from Mr, Morley's valuable work on points relating to Hindu Law arranged alphabetically according to subjects. These additions, it is hoped, will tend further to utilize a work which is constantly in, the hands of both Practitioner and Judge and which authoritatively governs the administration of justice in Indian Courts so far as they are bound by the Hindu Law, . . W. P. WILLIAMS, - 1804, PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. IN preparing tlie present edition of what was originally called ( k Elements of Hindu Law/' the author has no acknowledg ments to make, in any quarter, for assistance, or suggestion ; though invitation, and even solicitation, on his part, has not been wanting ; as, independent of other reference, appears by the concluding paragraph of the Preface to the first. In this respect, the author has been careful not to be deficient in his Related Free eBooks
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