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the hiring and firing question and answer book

by Paul Falcone

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From Publishers Weekly
Falcone (96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire), director of employment and development at Paramount Pictures, offers a comprehensive look at virtually all hiring issues, including application and termination procedures, evaluation, recommendation and lawsuits. This objective q&a-style guide offers step-by-step directions for managers, owners and HR execs on handling both commonplace and stickier situations, such as disciplinary problems and union considerations. The information will be particularly useful for start-up or small companies with no formal hiring, firing or evaluation procedures. An appendix of forms, including a termination agreement, recommendation letter and interview questions, is also helpful.

Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

Publishers Weekly
”…a comprehensive look at virtually all hiring issues.

Dallas Morning News: January 2002
"Paul Falcone's book is sure to be viewed as a godsend by people who deal with hiring and firing."

BizLife May 2002
The accessible,easy-to-use guide answers more than 100 questions that can confound and overwhelm even the most experienced managers,HR professionals,executive recruiters.

Philadelphia Business Journal, April 4, 2002
A practical reference for staffing and lay-off procedures.

Book Description
"Getting the best employees on board and weeding out the worst--without getting slapped with expensive lawsuits--are two of the most crucial and difficult jobs of human resources professionals and general managers. Now there's quick, reliable information on how to do it right. Written by employment expert Paul Falcone, The Hiring and Firing Question and Answer Book contains over 100 commonly asked questions ranging from basic to sophisticated, including: * Does my company need an Affirmative Action plan? * Why should I conduct an exit interview? * How do I find the best Web sites for recruiting employees? * How do I protect my company from negligent hiring claims? * How do I terminate a long-term employee with a history of positive performance evaluations? Each question is followed by a short answer and a longer ""Tell Me More"" section, making the book perfect both as a concise overview and as a practical reference." 'Paul Falcone (Valencia, CA) is Director of Human Resources at Platinum Equity in Beverly Hills, and was previously Director of Employment and Development for Paramount Pictures in Hollywood. He is the author of several best-selling books, including: 96 Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire, 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews, and 101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems.

Book Info
Contains over 100 commonly asked questions ranging from basic to sophisticated on hiring and firing. A concise overview and practical reference. Softcover.

About the Author
Paul Falcone is a human resources executive and the author of such best-selling titles as 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews, 101 Sample Write-Ups for Documenting Employee Performance Problems, and 96Great Interview Questions to Ask Before You Hire. He is a regular contributor to HR Magazine and an instructor at the UCLA Extension School of Business and Management. He lives in Valencia, California.



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