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Managing With Microsoft Project 2002by Lisa A. Bucki and Gary Chefetz ![]() Download Book If you are the author or the publisher, and would like to link to your site here, please contact us. About Book Book Description With Project 2002, you've already purchased the most comprehensive project management software available. Now you've found the perfect resource to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. Managing with Microsoft Project 2002 is a one-of-a-kind guide to successful project planning. From setting up a new project and making adjustments along the way to sharing and publishing your project information, this book has the tips you need to most effectively manage your project from start to finish. Book Info A one of a kind guide to successful project planning. From setting up a new project and making adjustments along the way to sharing and publishing your project information, this book has the tips you need to most effectively manage your project from start to finish. Softcover. About the Author Lisa A. Bucki, currently residing in Fairview, North Carolina, has spent six years as a consultant, author, technical writer developer, and trainer. She has more than twelve years of experience with computer book publishing. She has developed over 100 computer book titles and has been an author, co-author, contributor to more then 35 books and multimedia titles, including "Keynote Fast & Easy" (Premier Press, 1592001297), "Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Fast & Easy Web Development" (Premier Press, 159200119X), Adobe Photoshop Digital Darkroom (1931841926, Premier Press), Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar Fast & Easy" (1592000444, Premier Press), and "Managing Microsoft Project 98" (Premier Press, 0761519866). Gary Chefetz is an independent project consultant with an extensive project management background. He is a 2002 Microsoft MVP (Most Valued Professional). He can often be found haunting the Microsoft Project public news groups. Related Free eBooks
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Ruban,Dubai,UAE, 2008-03-23 05:27:43
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