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Microsoft Windows Architecture For Developers Training Kitby Microsoft Corporation Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Book Description For Microsoft Official Curriculum Course #1044, WINDOWS ARCHITECTURE FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING is ideal for motivated, self-paced learners who require training on Microsoft's advanced Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems software. The course is designed primarily for novice and professional software developers who need to gain a thorough understanding of the Microsoft Windows architecture in order to build integrated, Windows-platform applications. Additional markets for this course will include: post-secondary and vocational schools that feature CS degree programs with an emphasis on software development and MIS preparation; the Microsoft Authorized Technical Education channel, where professional certification credentials for software developers can be earned; and in corporate MIS departments responsible for developing custom Windows-platform applications. Course highlights include the Windows operating system architecture; Component Object Model (COM); networking, design methodologies, and code management; using ActiveX(tm) technologies and developing for the Internet; database concepts and database interfaces for developers; Application Programming Interfaces, including MAPI and TAPI; and enterprise solutions. WINDOWS ARCHITECTURE FOR DEVELOPERS TRAINING topics include: The Microsoft Windows operating system architecture Component Object Model (COM) Networking, design methodologies, and code management Using ActiveX technologies Database concepts and database interfaces for developers Application development and user interface issues Developing for the Internet Application Programming Interfaces, including MAPI and TAPI Enterprise solutions Preparation for courses Related Free eBooks
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