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Proudly serving my corporate masters:What I Learned in Ten Years as a Microsoft Programmerby Adam Barr Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 link 2 About Book From Library Journal First-time author Barr describes his ten years of experience as a software developer for Microsoft. Beginning with a detailed account of the hiring process, especially the interviewing methodology for new hires, Barr goes on to trace not only his career but the history of software development over the past quarter-century. He discusses Microsoft's role in software development, especially its evangelism the process of convincing other programmers to write software that interfaces with another which is a major factor in Microsoft's success. Barr compares the company to competitors such as Linux and details issues such as company organization, benefits, stock options, and public perception, both positive and negative. A good glossary gets the novice through the technical jargon. Barr, who discloses that he no longer works there but owns "a good chunk of Microsoft stock," succeeds in being as unbiased as possible. A good choice for business collections in large public and academic libraries. Steven J. Mayover, formerly with Free Lib. of Philadelphia Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc. Book Description Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters: What I Leaned in Ten Years As a Microsoft Programmer is a reflection on a decade spent working at the countryÂs largest software company. The book views Microsoft from a unique angle: that of an insider who feels that Microsoft has done many good things, but is also unsure about some of its methods. The book offers a new viewpoint on Microsoft, challenging existing assumptions about why the company has succeeded, what it does well and what it does badly, and what it needs to do in the future. From the Author For more information about the book, including the origin of the title, the full text of the book online, comments about the book from Microsoft employees, and an extra chapter not included in the printed version, visit the website at proudlyserving.com. Feel free to email me at adam@proudlyserving.com. Thanks! -- Adam Barr From the Inside Flap Why has Microsoft really been successful? Forget what you have read elsewhere. In Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters, a ten-year veteran of the front lines of the software development wars gives the real story on why the company has succeeded, what it does well and what it does badly, and what it needs to do in the future. The book has first-hand information on how Microsoft works internally: the relationships between programming teams and the rest of the company; how Microsoft recruits and interviews people; the sacrifices that are made to get software done; the lure of stock options; and what it is like to be sued by your own government. The insights are relevant for anyone interested in Microsoft, the software industry, or business in general. About the Author Adam Barr worked as a programmer at Microsoft from March 1990 to April 2000. He worked on several software projects, including the first two versions of Windows NT, interactive television, Softimage, and Windows 2000. Related Free eBooks
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