Browse Free Online Books and eBooks: - An answer to Dr. Pusey's challenge respecting the doctrine of the real presence : in which the doctrines of the Lord's Supper, as held by him, Roman and Greek Catholics, ritualists, and high Anglo-Catholics, are examined and shown to be contrary to the Holy Scriptures ; and to the teaching of the fathers of the first eight centuries, with the testimony of an ample Catena patrum of the same period (Volume 2)
- Catalogus omnium patrum qui ad oecumenicam synodum vaticanam usque ad diem 20 decembris 1869 convenerunt alphabetico ordine quoad episcopos dispositus juxta duplicem seriem dioecesum et nominum
- Patrologiae cursus completus : sive biblioteca universalis, integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium SS. Patrum, doctorum scriptorumque eccelesiasticorum qui ab aevo apostolico ad usque Innocentii III tempora floruerunt ... [Series Latina, in qua prodeunt Patres, doctores scriptoresque Ecclesiae Latinae, a Tertulliano ad Innocentium III
- Whose are the fathers? : or, The teaching of certain Anglo-Catholics on the church and its ministry, contrary alike to the Holy Scriptures, to the fathers of the first six centuries, and to those of the reformed Church of England ; with a Catena patrum of the first six centuries and of the English church of the latter half of the sixteenth century
- XXXIX articuli Ecclesi�¦ Anglican�¦ : textibus sacr�¦ scriptur�¦ et patrum prim�¦vorum testimoniis confirmati, brevibusque notis illustrati ; adjectis insuper nominibus auctorum locisque in quibus doctrina in articulis contenta fusius explicatur
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