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Linux: A Network Solution For Your Office

by Viktor T. Toth and Viktor Toth

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About Book

Using Caldera OpenLinux as its test bed distribution, Linux: A Network Solution for Your Office explains the essentials of Linux installation, configuration, and management in a novice-oriented way. Though the author's approach lacks the detail you'd find in other Linux books (it may not prove helpful when exotic problems strike), this book will serve you well during a straight installation of OpenLinux. However, with this book, you will need to ensure you have a fresh system with guaranteed Linux-compatible hardware (e.g., with no need to figure out partitioning arrangements, multi-boot schemes, or strange physical devices). Caldera OpenLinux 1.3--not the most current version but still not a bad product--appears on the companion CD-ROM, along with StarOffice.

Viktor Toth is at his best when explaining network protocols in just enough detail to head off the "why" questions that could pop up while working through the network configuration instructions that follow. In actually explaining how to implement network services--DNS, electronic mail, the Apache Web server, and others--he's stingy with details and alternatives, but it's possible to follow the instructions to create a working system just like Toth's. There ought to be a command reference here, and the listed configuration files should be on the CD-ROM.

This is a decent (if limited) book. For more detailed coverage of server software, be sure to look at Linux Network Servers: 24 Seven and Red Hat Linux 6 Server. --David Wall

Topics covered: Caldera OpenLinux 1.3 as an operating system on which to run back-end server software. Coverage includes initial setup, as well as configuration of various servers: Web (Apache), electronic mail (sendmail), Domain Name System (DNS, implemented by BIND 8), and Server Message Block (SMB, implemented by Samba). Basic system administration gets attention too.

Book Description



From the Back Cover

Linux as a Business OS is a step-by-step, focused tutorial on installing and reliably maintaining a comprehensive Internet solution, including a corporate mail server, Web Server and more on a shoestring budget. Topics include: Set up and Installation, Connecting to the Internet, Basic services-mail and news, Setting up a Web server, Security, Advanced networking, Managing the system--accounts, logs, backups, configuring workstations, and Troubleshooting.

About the Author

Viktor Toth is a software developer and consultant who started working with Linux nearly five years ago with version 0.96. He has been using Linux ever since as a network operating system and development platform. He has set up Linux-based comprehensive Internet solutions and maintained systems for clients, and has developed Linux applications, including a real-time test system for a telephone company switching office. He also runs a commercial on-line game and Web site under Linux at www.mud2.com. Viktor is the author of Visual C++ 4 Unleashed, Visual C++ 5 Unleashed, and Programming Windows 98/NT Unleashed, and co-author of several other Unleashed programming titles.



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