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Black, White, And Gray

by Amy Walton

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Ride with senior deputy Damon Holt and his squad. Feel the emotions, heartache and hilarious antics they go through on patrol. Be there when Holt and his squad fight through the worst of the worst that the streets have to offer. Be there when Holt unravels the worst murder case in the history of his county. Feel the terror of the Night Stalker as Holt and his squad track the cold blooded killer for years. Thrill to the final chapter in the life of the Night Stalker. Wonder at the greed and stupidity of the Costers when they try to rip off innocent merchants, and delve into their stark quest for fortune at the expense of others. Laugh with the antics of Bobby Joe Fortes as he constantly wages war against his favorite crooks. Delight in the constant good-natured ribbing that goes on between Bobby Joe and his fellow squad member, Thom Malton. Learn what it's like to be a veteran, a Salt, a person who has seen more crime and criminals than most people will read about in their lifetime. See how true friendship and loyalty works between Holt and his one true friend, Jake Edders, the squad Sergeant. Applaud when the two veterans finally do get some recognition for their dedication and hard work when both are promoted. Black and White (and gray) follows the squad members through the constantly changing world of law enforcement, where the rules and laws are always in black and white, yet, the job they perform so well, is shaded with gray, the hardest part of the job. Black and White (and gray) is a book that you won't want to put down, won't be able to put down, as you are taken from one case to another.



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