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The Heart Of Mid-lothian

by Walter Scott

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About Book


"The present volume offers the modern reader a version very close to that a reader in 1818 would have experienced...Highly recommended."

"I recommend the book to admirers of Scott and to those who, like me, have never read his work but always felt they should." -- Sue Asher, The Historical Novels Review

"By comparing the first edition of Scott's famous work to the manuscript, the editors of this excellent edition produce 'an ideal first edition.'" -- Choice

Book Description

The Heart of Mid-Lothian is precisely focused on the murder trials of John Porteous and Effie Deans in 1736 and 1737. Scott's chronicle spans the eighty years of David Dean's life. A complex and challenging narrative that acutely raises the problem of a judicial system that does not produce justice. Placed within its immediate political context, history is represented through the life of the Deans, accompanied by the justice of Providence as perceived by his daughter Jeanie, the greatest of Scott's heroines.

This edition of The Heart of Mid-Lothian provides a new text established in accordance with the tired policies and practices of the Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels. Its annotation comprehensively treats the novel's historical, legal, religious and cultural sources.

The Heart of Mid-Lothian is precisely focused on the trials for murder of John Porteous and of Effie Deans in 1736 and 1737. Yet it is Scott's only chronicle, spanning the eighty years of the life of David Deans, whose death takes place in 1751. It is the most complex of all Scott's narratives. It is also the most challenging in that it raises in an acute fashion the problem of a judicial system that does not produce justice, and places it within not just the immediate political context, but within history as represented by the life of Deans, and the justice of Providence as perceived by his daughter Jeanie, the greatest of Scott's heroines.

From the Publisher
Founded in 1906 by J.M. Dent, the Everyman Library has always tried to make the best books ever written available to the greatest number of people at the lowest possible price. Unique editorial features that help Everyman Paperback Classics stand out from the crowd include: a leading scholar or literary critic's introduction to the text, a biography of the author, a chronology of her or his life and times, a historical selection of criticism, and a concise plot summary. All books published since 1993 have also been completely restyled: all type has been reset, to offer a clarity and ease of reading unique among editions of the classics; a vibrant, full-color cover design now complements these great texts with beautiful contemporary works of art. But the best feature must be Everyman's uniquely low price. Each Everyman title offers these extensive materials at a price that competes with the most inexpensive editions on the market-but Everyman Paperbacks have durable binding, quality paper, and the highest editorial and scholarly standards.

About the Author

Alison Lumsden is a lecturer in english and scottish at the University of Aberdeen

Alison Lumsden is AHRB Research Fellow, Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels, at the University of Aberdeen



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