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Sams Teach Yourself Windows 95 in 24 Hours,Second Editionby Greg M. Perry Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.) link 1 About Book Amazon.com Windows 95, being substantially identical to Windows 98, is going to remain on many personal computers for some time. If your computer still has Windows 95 on it and you're starting from square one, Teach Yourself Windows 95 in 24 Hours can help you get your skills up to snuff. Perry begins with a speedy review of mouse-operation essentials and quickly whacks through the thicket of window-management skills. He provides some coverage of the Start button, the Taskbar, and other Desktop features. After that, he begins a nearly comprehensive tour of Windows 95's features and capabilities. He begins by explaining the folder structure--all that stuff that appears when you double-click on My Computer. This section is the most important, since it explains conventions you'll use throughout your career as a Windows user. Later chapters deal with the little productivity tools, such as Calculator, that come with Windows 98. This guide also covers the Accessibility features, the mechanics of running DOS programs, and special skills, such as cutting and pasting. When you finish reading this book and working along with its procedures, you'll be a competent Windows 95 user, ready to explore the operating system more deeply. --David Wall
-Sams Teach Yourself Windows 95 in 24 Hours, Second Edition sold over 200,000 gross domestic units since March 1997! -Incorporates coverage of Internet Explorer 4 and the ActiveDesktop -Teaches Windows 95 to new users in the format of the best-selling "Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours" series, which has provided computer guidance to more than 1 million users each year -Previous Windows users will learn to tap the benefits of Windows 95 quickly and easily Well-organized tutorial that can be used by individuals, in seminars, training sessions and classrooms
- Written by best-selling author, Greg Perry - Loaded with "quick-start" chapters, "Dos and Don'ts" tips., Question & Answer section, quizzes, and exercises to help users master the concepts with ease Related Free eBooks
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