Browse Free Online Books and eBooks: - A memorial of Edward Everett from the city of Boston
- A Memorial of Frederick Douglass from the city of Boston
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- Biographical Memorials Of James Oglethorpe, Founder Of The Colony Of Georgia In North America
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- George F. Hoar (late a Senator from Massachusetts)
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- Memorial addresses delivered before the two houses of Congress on the life and character of Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Benjamin Harvey Hill (a Senator from Georgia) : delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, Forty-seventh Congress, second session, January 25, 1883
- Memorial Addresses On The Life And Character Of Charles Sumner
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Evarts W. Farr (a Representative from New Hampshire) : delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-sixth Congress, third session
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Julian Hartridge, (a representative from Georgia), delivered in the House of representatives and in the Senate, Forty-fifth Congress, third session
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Lewis V. Bogy, (a senator from Missouri,) delivered in the Senate, January 16, 1878, and in the House of representatives, January 23, 1878
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Robert M. A. Hawk (a Representative from Illinois) delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-seventh Congress
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Rush Clark, delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-sixth Congress, secon session
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Thomas H. Herndon (a Representative from Alabama) : delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-eighth Congress, first session
- Memorial addresses on the life and character of Zachariah Chandler : (a senator from Michigan), delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives, Forty-sixth Congress, second session, January 28, 1880
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- Memorials of a century. Embracing a record of individuals and events, chiefly in the early history of Bennington, Vt., and its First church
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- Proceedings in Congress upon the acceptance of the statue of Lewis Cass, presented by the state of Michigan
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- Reports Of The Soldiers Memorial Society, Presented At Its Third Annual Meeting, June 11, 1867
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- Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial
- Ryerson memorial volume : prepared on the occasion of the unveiling of the Ryerson statute in the grounds of the Education Department on the Queen's birthday, 1889
- Seasonal Flowers.pdf
- Submerged Cultural Resources Study: Uss Arizona Memorial And Pearl Harbor National Historic Landmark
- The Brawnville papers : being memorials of the Brawnville Athletic Club
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- The Lakeside Memorial Of The Burning Of Chicago, A. D. 1871
- The Life Of Capt. Joseph Brant (thayendanegea): An Account Of His Re-interment At Mohawk, 1850 And Of The Corner Stone Ceremony In The Erection Of The Brant Memorial, 1886
- The Memorial Of The Chippeway Tribe Of Indians Some Of Whom Reside On Their Reserve Near Sarnia, And Others On Walpole Island: Together With Other Documents Praying That They May Be Allowed To Form Themselves Into One Tribe, As They Were Prior To 1831, And To Hold Their Lands And Moneys In Common, And That The Foreign Indians May Be Hereafter Excluded From Participating In The Annuity
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- The William Rainey Harper Memorial Library
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- Two memorials, not originally intended for publication, now published; with an explanatory preface
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