Browse Free Online Books and eBooks: - A diary in America, with remarks on its institutions. Part second (Volume 03)
- A Narrative Of Some Passages In The History Of Eenoolooapik, A Young Esquimaux, Who Was Brought To Britain In 1839, In The Ship "neptune" Of Aberdeen; An Account Of The Discovery Of Hogarth's Sound; Remarks On The Northern Whale Fishery, And Suggestions For Its Improvement, &c. &c.
- A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete - Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: With General - and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
- A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part I. 1792 - Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: With General - and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
- A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part II., 1793 - Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: With General - and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
- A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 - Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: With General - and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
- A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part IV., 1795 - Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: With General - and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
- A Review of Perspectives Chapter X. X-1. Concluding Remarks
- A short essay on the Christian religion : descriptive of the advantages which have accrued to society by the establishment of it, as contrasted with the manners and customs of mankind before that happy period ; to which are added a few occasional remarks on philosophers in general, as also on some of the objections started against the Chkistian [sic] religion by the fashionable writers of the present age ; the whole proposed as a preservative against the pernicious doctrines which have overwhelmed France with misery and desolation
- An Englishman looks at the world: being a series of unrestrained remarks upon contemporary matters
- Biographical Nitices Of Persian Poets With Critical And Explanatory Remarks
- Bryant & Stratton's counting house book-keeping : containing a complete exposition of the science of accounts, in its application to the various departments of business : including complete sets of books in wholesale and retail merchandising, farming, settlement of estates, forwarding, commission, banking, exchange, stock brokerage, etc., with full explanations and appropriate remarks on the customs of trade, and examples of the most important business forms in use
- Canada On The Pacific: Being An Account Of A Journey From Edmonton To The Pacific By The Peace River Valley And Of A Winter Voyage Along The Western Coast Of The Dominion With Remarks On The Physical Features Of The Pacific Railway Route And Notices Of The Indian Tribes Of British Columbia
- Captain Sword and Captain Pen. A poem. With some remarks on war and military statesmen
- Cetywayo and his White Neighbours - Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
- Cetywayo And His White Neighbours: Or, Remarks On Recent Events In Zululand, Natal, And The Transvaal
- Conscience And The Constitution With Remarks On The Recent Speech Of The Hon. Daniel Webster In The Senate Of The United States On The Subject Of Slavery
- Coulon's Hand-book; containing all the last new and fashionable dances, and also some important remarks on dancing & deportment ...
- Dancing, as a means of physical education; with remarks on deformities, and their prevention and cure.
- Henry Clay's Remarks In House And Senate
- Memorial Of The People Of Red River: To The British And Canadian Governments, With Remarks On The Colonization Of Central British North America, And The Establishment Of A Great Territorial Road From Canada To British Columbia
- Postscript to the second edition of Archdeacon Hare's letter to the Dean of Chichester : on Lord John Russel's letter to the the clergy of Bedford, and in reply to Mr. Trower's plain remarks
- Remarks
- Remarks and collections of Thomas Hearne (Volume 1)
- Remarks Made On A Tour To Prairie Du Chien, Thence To Washington City, In 1829
- Remarks of Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina on the bill to prevent the interference of certain federal officers in elections: delivered in the Senate of the United States February 22, 1839
- Remarks On Currency And Banking, Having Reference To The Present Derangement Of The Circulating Medium In The United States
- Remarks On Dr. Samuel Johnson's Journey To The Hebrides
- Remarks On The American Universal Geography
- Remarks On The Employment Of Females As Practitioners In Midwifery, By A Physician
- Remarks On The Indians Of North America: In A Letter To An Edinburgh Reviewer
- Remarks On The Policy And Practice Of The United States And Great Britain In Their Treatment Of Indians
- Remarks on the statistics and political institutions of the United States, with some observations on the ecclesiastical system of America, her sources of revenue, &c. To which are added statistical tables, &c
- Remarks Upon The Fable Of The Bees
- Sketches From Life: Being Tales On The Ten Commandments And Various Texts Of Scripture, Including Remarks On The Service Of The Episcopal Church, Intended For The Use Of Sunday Schools
- Small Dioceses And State Conventions: Some Remarks On The Polity Of The Protestant Episcopal Church, In The United States
- The Ball-room Manual Of Contra Dances And Social Cotillons, With Remarks On Quadrilles And Spanish Sance
- The First Landing On Wrangel Island, With Some Remarks On The Northern Inhabitants
- The Law-abiding Conscience, And The Higher Law Conscience; With Remarks On The Fugitive Slave Question
- The Standard Operaglass: Detailed Plots Of The Celebrated Operas With Critical And Biographical Remarks And Dates
- The United States of America; their history from the earliest period; their industry, commerce, banking transactions, and national works; their institutions and character, political, social, and literary: with a survey of the territory, and remarks on the prospects and plans of emigrants (Volume 03)
- The unity of the church : a sermon preacht at St. Peter's Church, Brighton, on Thursday, December 10, 1840, at the annual meeting of the Chichester Diocesan Association ; with some introductory remarks on uniformity
- Thomas Hart Benton's Remarks to the Senate on the Expunging Resolution
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