| The treasures of Terpsichore; or, A companion for the ballroom. Being a collection of all the most popular English country dances, arrange alphabetically, with proper figures to each dance.by T. Wilson .. Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.)
link 1 Related Free eBooks - The Scholars Companion, Containing A Choice Collection Of Cotillons And Country-dances
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- The scholars companion, containing a choice collection of cotillons & country-dances.
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- The gentleman & lady's companion; containing, the newest cotillions and country dances; to which is added, instances of ill manners, to be carefully avoided
- The complete system of English country dancing, containing all the figures ever used in English country dancing, with a variety of new figures, and new reels ...
- An analysis of country dancing: wherein are displayed all the figures ever used in country dances, in a way so easy and familiar, that persons of the meanest capacity may in a short time acquire (without the aid of a master) a complete knowledge of that r
- The dance of society: a critical analysis of all the standard quadrilles, round dances, 102 figures of le cotillon ("the german"), &c., including dissertations upon time and its accentuation, carriage, style, and other relative matter. By Wm. B. De Garmo
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