| Brookes on modern dancing, containing a full description of all dances, as practised in the ball room and at private parties, together with an essay on etiquette.by L. De G. Brookes Download Book (Respecting the intellectual property of others is utmost important to us, we make every effort to make sure we only link to legitimate sites, such as those sites owned by authors and publishers. If you have any questions about these links, please contact us.)
link 1 Related Free eBooks - The royal ball-room guide and etiquette of the drawingroom, containing the newest and most elegant dances and a short history of dancing.
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- The Ball Room Guide, Being A Compendium Of The Theory, Practice, And Etiquette Of Dancing
- The art of dancing, historically illustrated. To which is added a few hints on etiquette; also, the figures, music, and necessary instruction for the performance of the most modern and approved dances ...
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- Complete ball-room hand book, containing upwards of three hundred dances ... By Elias Howe, assisted
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- Handbook of ball-room dancing, by Paymaster-Commander A. M. Cree, R.N., with an introduction
- Beadle's Dime Ball-room Companion And Guide To Dancing
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- The Royal Ball-room Guide And Etiquette Of The Drawingroom
- Handbook Of Ball-room Dancing
- Brookes On Modern Dancing
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- The scholars' companion and ball-room vade mecum ... With hints and instructions respecting toilet, deportment,&c., &c. ...
- The dance, ancient and modern / translated from the French
- For the furthur improvement of dancing, A treatis of chorography, or, Ye art of dancing country dances after a new character : in which the figures, steps & manner of performing are describ'd & ye rules demonstrated in an easie method adapted to the meane
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